Why Small Tasks Are No Fun : PP102

It seems like small tasks are the things I always push to the side. Over the last few weeks I have been thinking about why they are no fun and what I can do about that.

Let’s have a conversation about those small tasks.

Small tasks are just that.


Because they don’t seem to really be important it is easy to let them push forward into our schedule. But sooner or later having a passive pile of small tasks can turn into a big problem.

Productive Pastor Episodes on Procrastination

You are unclear on the purpose

If a small task seems random, you might not think it is a big deal.

For me, learning to connect the larger purpose of a small task to a project I am passionate about seems to kick things in gear.

Minimize it into more tasks

This seems backward, but sometimes those small tasks are still a bit too complicated. Figure out if the small task stopping you is actually 3-4 even smaller ones, then start knocking them out.

Is your “done-er” done for the day?

We have a finite amount of energy. When it is depleted, hardly anything can get done. Be aware of your energy levels when facing these smaller tasks. I find saving them for a dedicated block of “small ball” is often one way to get around the blockage.

Keep a task list and daily log

A task list is the things you planned on doing that day. A daily log helps you understand what actually happened. This can show SO MANY things across each day. You might find yourself living in a reactive space or just not planning well enough.

Need help with this? Here’s my time sheet resource. https://bit.ly/ppTimeAudit

Moving things forward really does change us.

The Power of Small Wins | HBR
I have referred to the above article for years. Our ability to finish things has a tremendous affect on us, so figuring out how we can leverage small tasks for our overall ministry psyche and health really does matter.

Memorial Day Course
Curious about what it might mean to create the BEST daily planner for ministry? That’s what I am covering in my Memorial Day course. To make sure you know when the waitlist AND course is open, sign up for the weekly Productive Pastor email list here.


The End of Day Meeting : PP103


How I Write a Sermon in 6 Hours : PP101