Four Social Media Tips : PP98

To wrap up our month on Social Media strategy, let me offer 4 tips to continue to grow in your use of social media.

Don’t Enter the Arms Race

The pandemic dramatically changed the online expectations for churches. Livestreaming services, launching social media accounts, and keeping up with a constant stream of content became the new normal.

But here's the thing: it's been four years. Does your church need to replicate everything that bigger churches are doing online? Absolutely not. In fact, choosing to focus on what works best for you can be a strategic advantage.

Here's the key question to ask yourself: What's the most effective way to leverage social media while still using your time wisely?

This edit clarifies the timeline of the online shift for churches and emphasizes the strategic aspect of social media use. It also keeps the original tone of direct address and keeps the focus on the main question you want readers to consider.

Use Your Metrics

No matter which social media platform you choose, you'll have access to valuable metrics. Take some time to understand what these metrics mean and how they can be used to your advantage. Track a few key things each month, like reach, engagement (likes, comments, shares), and click-through rates. Analyze what content resonates with your audience and sparks genuine conversation. By focusing on metrics that indicate community building, you can optimize your social media efforts and spend more time fostering meaningful connections.

Taylor the Medium to the Message

Let me step on a soapbox for a minute. This is totally related to the “arms race” section above.

Those short, vertical video sermon clips are everywhere, and they might seem like the magic bullet for church social media. But before I jump in and try to replicate them, there's something to consider. Big churches with expensive equipment and staff might be creating these clips specifically for social media reach, and that can leave a smaller church like mine feeling totally outmatched.

There are free tools out there that can help. I can record short, genuine videos right on my phone. Plus, AI tools like "Pulpit AI" that can take my sermons and create scripts for social media clips that highlight the key points. By prioritizing authenticity and talking directly to the camera, I can leverage the strengths of the platform and potentially even outperform larger churches in building relationships with viewers. Remember, the algorithm rewards transparency and genuine connection. So ditch the pressure to replicate fancy production.

Use Email

A few episodes ago I talked about how email is so vital (Episode 93: Don’t Sleep on Email).

Many of the things we think social can do for us is actually better accomplished through email. Let social be truly social and work to develop the communication skills to handle the information.


4 Meetings I Schedule With Myself


Using Canva Better | PP97